Welcome to the Digital Asset Management Capability Model
The DAM Capability Model (DCM) is designed to help give the global DAM community a tool to self-assess against the common measures for how an organization is doing with DAM. Capability models provide a stable, neutral and apolitical view of many different types of organizational operations – from technical IT to human resources to architectural project management. Capability models are in widespread use in a variety of industries.
Why use a Capability Model?
Capability Models offer many benefits. They include:
• A place to start
• A way to gather the organization’s common experiences
• A framework for prioritizing actions
• A way to define what “improvement” means to your organization
• A common language and shared vision
For DAM, the DCM acts as:
• A common gathering place for understanding all the areas and skillsets required for DAM.
• A tool for DAM managers to educate and set the expectations of colleagues and advocates within the organization
• A roadmap with a starting point for DAM managers looking to understand what is important
• A way to organize DAM content, programming and conversations within the organization
• A way to categorize and find best practices and case studies
• A good reference point to develop and re-evaluate training
Capability models generally describe a range of five criteria for each important aspect – in our case – of DAM. The DCM has the following five measures for your use:
1. Initial: Processes are based on individuals and not the organization – getting started
2. Emerging: Processes are beginning to be in place – generally at a departmental level
3. Standardizing: Processes are agreed upon and centralized
4. Operationalizing: Processes can generally be quantitatively managed
5. Optimizing: Humming along, with deliberate process optimization and improvement