Nadine Cotter is Creative Director at CWB Financial Group, where she leads execution of brand standards and delivery of creative solutions for the group of companies. She would describe her role as being equal parts left- and right-brain thinking.
And she loves it.

While her career started with a passion for graphic design, she soon realized that leading creative operations would offer her the greatest fulfillment. Nadine has spent time in several roles, over the course of 21 years in the industry, both executing and leading her craft, but none have come close to providing the satisfaction she feels when shaping a deeper relationship between design and the organization. 

Launching CWB Financial Groups’ first Digital Asset Management platform is a great example that comes to mind. She believes The Teal Vault (DAM) quickly illustrates the value of mature infrastructure and processes when it comes to creative fulfillment and in turn the fulfillment of organizational goals such brand integrity and the agility required to create content and keep up. In her words, “ is crucial to achieving
operational excellence.”.